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- ****************************************************************
- wm_close.exe
- ****************************************************************
- tool to close any program as long as it responds to the wm_close API call,
- to use it call it with the window class or window name as parameter, it will
- 1st try to locate a window wich has the given parameter as class name, if that
- fails it will try to locate a window with the given parameter as name.
- ****************************************************************
- mbm5msg.exe
- ****************************************************************
- tool to send a message to mbm, starting it with one of the switches below will
- make it send that message to mbm.
- ****************************************************************
- mbmstarter.dll
- ****************************************************************
- This may ONLY be distributed and used by programs that are fully FREEWARE,
- you are NOT ALLOWED to use this DLL with shareware, payware or commercial programs.
- now that the legal part is out of the way, with this dll you can launch
- the mbm.dll without using mbm, of course you must have configured mbm correctly
- if you want this to work correctly. Once the mbm.dll is running you freeware
- program can access the sharedmemory like normal
- the delphi code to start the dll is like this:
- type
- TStartDLL = function : Integer; stdcall;
- TStopDLL = function : Integer; stdcall;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- CStartDLL : TStartDLL;
- CStopDLL : TStopDLL;
- DLLHandle : THandle;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
- var
- X : Integer;
- begin
- if DLLHandle=0 then
- begin
- DLLHandle:=LoadLibrary(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'MBMStarter.dll'));
- if DLLHandle <> 0 then
- begin
- @CStartDLL:=GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'Start');
- X:=CStartDLL;
- if X <> 1 then Showmessage('Error Starting MBM.DLL, Error : '+IntToStr(X))
- else Showmessage('MBM.DLL Started') ;
- end
- else Showmessage('Error Loading StarterDLL');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if DLLHandle<>0 then
- begin
- @CStopDLL:=GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'Stop');
- CStopDLL;
- FreeLibrary(DLLHandle);
- DLLHandle:=0;
- Showmessage('Starter DLL unloaded');
- end;
- end;
- the mbm5starter.dll will always created a sub dir called dll and copy the mbm.dll into
- this directory, this is needs to be done and can not be avoided
- as of version > there are 2 new function:
- function SetPrio(X : Byte) : Boolean; stdcall;
- function SendPath(Path : Pchar) : Boolean;
- With SetPrio you can increase the priority of the timer loop in the dll, use the following
- table:
- 0: Idle
- 1: Lowest
- 2: Lower
- 3: Normal
- 4: Higher
- 5: Highest
- 6: TimeCritical
- With SendPath you can send a new path to the dll in case it has no access to HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
- if you get a result of 0 back then this is your problem, send your new path BEFORE you do the
- start function. The path should contain the base directory of MBM
- ****************************************************************
- mbm 5.ini
- ****************************************************************
- This is a clean version of the MBM 5.ini file, if you ever get into troubles then
- simply close mbm and copy this OVER the version in the /data directory and you
- can start clean.
- ****************************************************************
- uninstall problems.bat
- ****************************************************************
- If your having errors uninstalling which included INSTALL.LOG then
- please run this batch file, it should start the uninstaller without
- problems